Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Rainy days and Wednesdays...

As if "hump day" wasn't hard enough to get over, does it have to be so dark and stormy too? I normally love rainy days but lately, I have so much to do inside AND outside that I don't even know where to start.  I guess this is where a written list and an extra pot of coffee will help.

I read this somewhere.  To have something become a habit, you need to do it every day for a minimum of 30 days.  If that is the case, why do people become smokers after a puff or two? I was never a smoker, I thought it was gross. But for some, it becomes a habit almost immediately.  The same thing with sugar or salt.  If you love either, or both, a taste is all it takes and you want more.  Now why can't it be so easy with flossing, exercise, or cleaning the house?

I think I want to have a couple of bumper stickers made. Okay, you read it here first:

  • Dead people can't shop.  Phone down, buckle up.
  • Dead people  can't make love. Phone down, buckle up. 

I was at the 7-11 a couple of mornings ago putting gas in my car.  I looked over to see a young  girl doing the same. She was maybe 17 or 18 at the most and already high maintenance. With bleached, flat ironed long hair, spray tanned to within a shade of an old penny, she also applied more mascara than I ever thought you could fit on a set of eyelashes.  Anyway, she finished putting the gas in her little white Volvo, jumps in the car and pulls away without bothering to buckle up. I didn't see her long enough to see if she checked her text messages too. Now why would someone take so much time to make sure they looked that way and not take the time to protect their facade and bod by clicking their seat belt?  All I could think was if she ever go into a car accident, all the mascara in the world wouldn't keep that face from meeting the windshield head on.  

So people, PLEASE buckle up and put away that phone!  I don't care that the seat belt is going to wrinkle your shirt or that it is uncomfortable. And the phone? There is NO call or text that can't wait! Do everything you can to keep yourself safe and those of us sharing the road with you safe. After all, someone out there loves you, including me!

Thank you for sharing your precious time with me and my words.

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