Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Coffee is love...

Anyone who has known me for more than 5 minutes, knows about my love for coffee.  If I didn't keep this love in check, it could border on obsession.  I can relate to the McDonald's ad where the guy won't talk to anyone before he has his morning coffee. I will talk before I have had that first cup of coffee, but I can't speak for the content of the conversation or retaining any memory of the replies.

The first cup of the day has to be HOT.  I do love iced coffee too.  I just find comfort in the mug being warm in my hands. There isn't an electric coffee maker on my counter.  I use a porcelain Melitta pot and matching with brown Melitta #4 paper filter.  I buy whole beans from Adams and grind them fresh. The tea kettle is boiling by now and I pour the almost boiling water into the filter two and half times.  The whole process takes about 10 minutes but it is so worth the wait. The brew is consistently rich, smooth, and fulfilling.  And it makes me blissfully happy.

Now I can't always have my first cup of coffee from home,  I have other outlets, found after much trial and error, research, and referrals.  I know it seems to be a bit excessive,  but trust me,  you don't want to spend any quality time with me if I haven't had a morning cup of java!

So my local (unsolicited) recommendations are as follows, in no particular order:

  • Dunkin' Donuts on Rte. 44 (just past Adams).  The place is clean, the coffee is always fresh and the staff is very pleasant.  
  • My friend S.'s house.  Her husband makes a fabulous cup of cappuccino.  I would happily pay him to make me coffee every day.
  • Babycakes by Vassar College.  My husband and I go there on occasion for breakfast.  I don't know what kind of coffee it is but it is delicious and the mug is huge!
  • My friend T.'s house.  She has one of those one cup at a time coffee makers.  I really don't mind what kind she gives me (as long as it isn't flavored) but I love the time I spend with her and her family in their kitchen.
  • Lastly, the Crafted Cup on Raymond Avenue.  I started going there BEFORE they won "Best cup of coffee/latte" in Hudson Valley Magazine last year.  Their organic Woodstock blend coffee is Heaven squared.  It is fresh all day and you get a break on the cost when you bring your own mug.  They also have a frequent buyer card that gets you a free cup when you fill it with punches.  The owner is great and his staff is terrific.  And if you have time to sit, there are baked goodies, Wi-Fi, and handmade lattes in nice big mugs, soups, smoothies, and teas.  And it is local!
There are many places that have adequate coffee, but I have decided to never settle for mediocrity.  Life is too short for a lousy cup of coffee.

Thank you for spending your precious time with me and my words.

1 comment:

  1. I love your coffee and I love you......let's do coffee soon....I want to give you a hug. :)
