Monday, March 28, 2011

Tomorrow is another day...

But what about today?  I am nervous.  But I have wanted to blog for a very long time.  With everything that has happened recently,  I decided to start TODAY.  I don't know if anyone will follow my posts.  That is okay.  I am sure, over time,  something I type may touch someone.  A piece of advice may help someone.  A recommendation may help make someone's day easier.  A story may make someone laugh.  I don't know.  But that is okay. And it also part of what makes this an adventure.  I hope someone wants to come along for this journey.

Five days ago, my family buried my 61 year old sister-in-law. She fought not one round of cancer, but two.   And man, did she FIGHT!  Until she took her very last breath,  she fought.  Her adoring husband was by her side for every minute.  He didn't eat, he barely slept, and their love filled the room, without a word being said.  His heart is in a million pieces, and our hearts ache with him.

I know deaths occur everyday. But my family have lost so many loved ones recently, including my mother-in-law too.  And that was only six months ago.  We haven't had time to breathe or recover.  I know conventional wisdom says that time heals all.  We just have to put one foot in front of the other.  But I don't know if I will ever get over my sister-in-law's death.  This one will never be okay.

I have found death that brings out the best in people though.  The outpouring of grief and love from our little corner of the Universe was touching and overwhelming.  For this,  I am so grateful and blessed.

But what is okay is little things that used to bother me, don't any more.  Her death has given me great perspective on what is and isn't important.  If someone needs to speed past me, get on the grocery line first, or say something without thinking first, fine.  I am hugging my family and friends longer and harder, saying "I love you" more, especially to those who need hear it, and I am trying to remember to BREATHE. I forget to breathe a lot. I need to stop and breathe DEEP.  Every breathe I take, honors my sister-in-law, my family, my friends, and especially me.

So if little stresses come up over the course of your day,  it is okay.  Because you are still here.  And that is a wonderful thing.

Thanks for sharing your precious time with me and my words.

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