Monday, April 4, 2011

Can't sleep? Watch Craig Ferguson!

A few months ago, my sons started to watch The Late, Late Show with Craig Ferguson on CBS. I was usually asleep when it was on, but with the magic of the DVR, they recorded several episodes and I started watching them during the day.

It takes a lot for me to really, truly laugh. This crazy, hyper kinetic, Americanized Scotsman is hysterical. He doesn't take himself too seriously and seems to be having more fun than his audience. He is raunchy and curses and gets bleeped a lot, and must drive the censors nuts. He doesn't have a band like all of the other more well known talk show hosts.  His side kick is a robot named Geoff and a little person named TJ who has been painted gold as the Oscar and is dressed up as a leprechaun as of late.  There is also a horse (2 people in a horse suit) that is named Secretariat and comes out dances when the doorbell rings.

It sounds insane and chaotic and it is. It doesn't even matter who his guest is, I watch it anyway, just for him. If you need to break up the monotony of your day, and you can't sleep, tune into the Late Late Show.  He'll make you laugh, unless you are sleeping and I hope you won't be disappointed.

Thank you for sharing your precious time with me and my words.

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