Monday, April 18, 2011

Comfort in the familiar...

Even if I have already seen the episode 10 times, if I am flipping the channels and "Law and Order" is on, I will watch it again.  Don't get me wrong, I also love "NCIS" (the original, not L.A.), thanks to my friend T.! But I LOVE L&O, especially Criminal Intent.  I was so sad when the Goren and Eames characters left. I was VERY happy too see that they are going to back in a new season on USA network.

As a rule, I don't get attached to too many t.v. shows, especially because my kids have taken over the living room area. When Fox cancelled "24", I was pretty much done with t.v. Now, there are other shows that I do like but I if I miss them, it's okay.  If a repeated episode of L&O is on, I will sit and watch it or just let it be background noise. I like that the show has the same routine, just the criminals and crimes vary. And each story wraps up in the hour. The good guy doesn't win every time. Real life is like that too.

Now with a new season of L&O Criminal Intent, I will do all I can to catch it but if I can't catch it the first time, that is what the DVR is for. Then I can watch it anytime with no commercials, preferably when the kids are not in the living room so I can have a place to sit, and visit familiar characters catching the bad guys. Thank goodness that all will be right with the world again. Welcome back Mr. D'Onofrio and Ms. Erbe. We missed you!

Thank you for sharing your precious time with me and my words.

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