Sunday, April 3, 2011

Hey Dad, what's for dinner?

I am sure for most of you moms (and dads) out there, one of the most stressful parts of your day is figuring out what to feed your family every day. You have to plan the menu, shop for the ingredients, prepare it and then hope that your family will eat it.

I have been blessed to not have to think about any of that by falling in love and marrying my husband, the baker and chef. His gift for food is apparent by the amazing meals he prepares for his family daily.  He doesn't just cook, he creates dishes worthy of any restaurant. He has set the bar high though. Since these meals are made regularly, he now has 4 food snobs to deal with.

All of our kids are fairly adventurous eaters.  Don't get me wrong, they don't eat EVERYTHING but they do eat about 99% of it and if their dad wants to make something different, they will usually try it. The dishes he makes that they do love never taste the same way twice.  It is also next to impossible to go out to eat any more. Their palates are so sophisticated that even the 7 year old will comment about the quality of the food and heaven forbid the meal is inadequate or the service is sub par. They will be vocal about their dissatisfaction with the experience.

Now, I tell people that I can get us fed, but my husband feeds us well.  I am in charge of big breakfast that usually happen when the kids are on break.  I will make homemade pancakes, frittatas, omelettes, hash and eggs, or from scratch French toast.  My go to dinner meal is homemade macaroni and cheese.  It is nice to have ONE dish that the kids like how I make it better than their dad. So unless I am making myself breakfast or brewing my next pot of coffee, I don't have to venture into my kitchen until my 7 year old makes the general announcement of "Time to eat everyone! Time to eat!"

This is how I like it. The kids are happy and well nourished and their dad gets to impress us with another feast fit for royalty.  Thanks Honey!  You are the Best!  And gee, I better go put up a wash to earn my keep.

Thanks for spending your precious time with me and my words.

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