Thursday, April 14, 2011

Spring cleaning for my brain...

I spent the last three days cleaning to start my Spring cleaning. I still have PILES of stuff and paper to deal with but I have thrown out and donated so much that I can probably start the heavy duty tasks next week.

I actually like this process of cleaning, purging, and preparing for the warmer weather. The work is mindless for me and sometimes it is good for me NOT to think too much.  As many of you know, I have had an awful lot of "life" happen recently and the focus it takes to organize, file, and figure out what to tackle next is very cathartic for me.  There are so many things that my husband and I want to accomplish to make our house a home, it is good to have such a long "to do" list.

I will keep all of you posted on the progress. I need someone to hold me accountable, so why not all of you?

And now, I would love to make this blog interactive. So please tell me what project you would like to accomplish this Spring. And if there is something you would like me to ruminate on, I am always up for a challenge. On that note, I have a load of clothes to dry. Now THAT is the story of my life. I will NEVER be caught up on the laundry!

Thank you for precious time with me and my words. 

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