Sunday, April 17, 2011

V. versus C. ...

How can a 45 lb. 7 year old stop a 245 lb. 17 year old in his tracks? Tickle him!!!

My youngest is a velcro monkey who can crawl on and hang onto pretty much anyone or anything and right now, he is busy roughing up his big brother.  There is almost  nothing as pure as the laughter derived from a good, solid tickle.  And the littlest brother can hold his own with all of his siblings and really isn't afraid of anyone or anything. I guess this will serve him well when he gets older. There is something to said for being fearless, and he certainly is that. As for the tickling, no one can tickle anyone as good as me!

Being a mom, we know all of our children's ticklish spots. And every once in a while, the tickle monster does have to come out. It helps keep things in order and lets everyone know who is boss. And that would be Mom.  And they can't turn the tables because I am not ticklish. I don't know if ever was and I guess that is okay. But there has to be something very liberating by being able to laugh from a great tickle fest.

So try and laugh this week, and give someone a little (or big) tickle especially if they need it. You both will feel so much better!

Thank you for sharing your precious time with me and my words. 

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